To receive the Proposal for Exchangeability of Deacons in TEC and the ELCA
Resolution text
Resolved, that the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, meeting June 12-15, 2023, in Providence, Rhode Island, welcomes the decision of the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, at their meeting in April, 2023, to receive the Proposal for Exchangeability of the Diaconate, and be it further
Resolved, that the Executive Council receives this Proposal, rejoicing in the deepening life of shared ministry between The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America which fulfilling this Proposal would make possible, and be it further
Resolved, that the Executive Council joyfully urges the full and timely implementation of this Proposal to affirm the moving of the Holy Spirit within, and between, our Churches.
The final version of the proposal is copied here.
Proposal for Exchangeability of the Diaconate:
The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Endorsed by the Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee
January 11, 2023
Proposal: An interpretation of Called to Common Mission (2000),1 hereafter “CCM,” in light of the ELCA’s institution of an ordained diaconate (ELCA Churchwide Assembly action, August 2019):
1) Based on CCM ¶15 and ¶21, The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) mutually recognize each other’s order of deacons as authentic.
2) Based on CCM ¶14, the ELCA continues to acknowledge the authenticity of deacons in TEC. Based on CCM ¶15, TEC now acknowledges the authenticity of deacons/rostered ministers of Word and Service of the ELCA and its predecessor bodies.
3) Based on CCM ¶22, TEC and the ELCA acknowledge that each other’s deacons may validly serve in each other’s liturgies. TEC and the ELCA mutually recognize each other’s deacons as interchangeable for occasional ministry or extended service in counterpart ministries and joint ministry settings, subject to the approval of their respective bishops. We propose that the full communion Orderly Exchange guidelines for pastors and priests2 be amended to include exchangeability of deacons.
4) Based on CCM ¶9, TEC and the ELCA renew their pledge to jointly undertake “continuing exploration, renewal, and reform”3 for the purpose of deepening the opportunities for diaconal word and service in both communions and in our full communion relationship.