Recommend Additional Companies be Added to the DFMS No-Buy List
Resolution text
Resolved that due to the extreme proximity to human rights harms via each company’s operations and those of its value chain partners, the securities of the following companies be added to the No-Buy list of investments maintained by the Treasurer’s Office, including
- Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp
- Daimler Truck Holding AG
- Mivne Real Estate
- Raiffeisen Bank International
- Southern Copper Corp
Human Rights Screen
The Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility met in March 2023 and after discussion, guided by its human rights consultant, Heartland, voted to engage with several companies on the issues identified, based on our understanding that there is an opening for conversation; and voted to add several others to the No Buy list based on our church’s global human rights screening policy. The companies listed for engagement are highlighted and the rest are listed for divestment or exclusion.