Archives Relocation Negotiation
Resolution text
Resolved, that The Executive Council, meeting in Louisville, KY, January 26-29, authorizes Jane Cisluycis, Acting COO, to negotiate with the DeKoven Center representatives regarding the possible move of the Episcopal Church Archives from Austin, TX to Racine, WI and be authorized to select and designate people to assist her in the negotiations with the DeKoven Center Representatives. And be it further,
Resolved, that any final proposal or any proposed agreement will be submitted to Executive Council for its consideration and approval.
Beginning with the Church Archives having moved to an interim location in Austin, Texas which is on a limited lease, the COO and church leadership have been looking for a new permanent location for the Archives. Several seminaries and other locations within and outside of the Episcopal Church have been explored. For numerous reasons, these possibilities did not bear out.
In 2022 COO Geof Smith and church property consultant Rev. Lang Lawrey visited the Dekoven Center, located in Racine, Wisconsin in response to an invitation from the Dekoven Center Board to consider their campus as the future permanent home for the Church Archives.
The COO and leadership found the site promising as the location offered enough attributes to follow up with a feasibility study of the location. The results were positive.
A second feasibility study was completed in the fall of 2023, primarily to look closer at the physical plant, have an engineering peer review of the conceived plans to build a state-of-the-art archive within a historic building, and other factors of concern. This study again proved positive.
The Archives Advisory Committee has been part of location searches and apprised of these developments and supports the further exploration of the Dekoven Center relationship.
The Acting COO, Jane Cisluycis, along with Governance & Operations and the Finance Committee will be expected to produce a report and presentation that fully spells out other options considered including location, leasing vs building, and funding streams in the course of this process.
Beginning with the Church Archives having moved to an interim location in Austin, Texas which is on a limited lease, the COO and church leadership have been looking for a new permanent location for the Archives. Several seminaries and other locations within and outside of the Episcopal Church have been explored. For numerous reasons, these possibilities did not bear out.
In 2022 COO Geof Smith and church property consultant Rev. Lang Lawrey visited the Dekoven Center, located in Racine, Wisconsin in response to an invitation from the Dekoven Center Board to consider their campus as the future permanent home for the Church Archives.
The COO and leadership found the site promising as the location offered enough attributes to follow up with a feasibility study of the location. The results were positive.
A second feasibility study was completed in the fall of 2023, primarily to look closer at the physical plant, have an engineering peer review of the conceived plans to build a state-of-the-art archive within a historic building, and other factors of concern. This study again proved positive.
The Archives Advisory Committee has been part of location searches and apprised of these developments and supports the further exploration of the Dekoven Center relationship.
The Acting COO, Jane Cisluycis, along with Governance & Operations and the Finance Committee will be expected to produce a report and presentation that fully spells out other options considered including location, leasing vs building, and funding streams in the course of this process.