Sec. 1.
a. At the time and place appointed for the meeting of the General Convention, the President of the House of Deputies, or, if absent, the Vice-President of the House, or, if there be neither, a presiding officer pro tempore appointed by the members of the House of Deputies on the Joint Committee of Arrangements for the General Convention, shall call to order the members present. The Secretary of the House of Deputies, or, if absent, a Secretary pro tempore of the House of Deputies appointed by the presiding officer, shall record the names of those whose testimonials, in due form, shall have been presented, which record shall be prima facie evidence that the persons whose names are therein recorded are entitled to seats. In the event that testimonials are presented by or on behalf of persons from jurisdictions which have not previously been represented in a General Convention, then the Secretary of the House of Deputies, or one appointed instead as provided herein, shall proceed as provided in Clause c. If there be a quorum present, the Secretary of the House of Deputies shall so certify, and the House shall proceed to organize by the election, by ballot, of a Secretary of the House of Deputies, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to such election. Upon such election, the presiding officer shall declare the House organized. If there be a vacancy in the office of President or Vice-President, the vacancy or vacancies shall then be filled by election, by ballot, the term of any officer so elected to continue until the adjournment of the General Convention. As soon as such vacancies are filled, the President shall appoint a committee to wait upon the House of Bishops and inform it of the organization of the House of Deputies, and of its readiness to proceed to business.
b. There shall be a President and a Vice-President of the House of Deputies, who shall perform the duties normally appropriate to their respective offices or specified in these Canons. They shall be elected not later than the seventh day of each regular meeting of the General Convention in the manner herein set forth. The House of Deputies shall elect from its membership, by a majority of separate ballots, a President and a Vice-President, who shall be of different orders. Such officers shall take office at the adjournment of the regular meeting at which they are elected, and shall continue in office until the adjournment of the following regular meeting of the General Convention. They shall be and remain ex officio members of the House during their term of office. No person elected President or Vice-President shall be eligible for more than three consecutive full terms in each respective office. In case of resignation, death, absence, or inability, of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the office until the adjournment of the next meeting of the General Convention. In case of resignation, death, absence, or inability of the Vice-President, the President shall appoint a Deputy of the opposite order, upon the advice and consent of the lay persons, presbyters and deacons of the Executive Council, who shall serve until the adjournment of the next meeting of the General Convention. The President shall be authorized to appoint an Advisory Council for consultation and advice in the performance of the duties of office. The President may also appoint a Chancellor to the President, a confirmed adult communicant of the Church in good standing who is learned in both ecclesiastical and secular law, to serve so long as the President may desire, as counselor in matters relating to the discharge of the responsibilities of that office.
c. In order to aid the Secretary of the House of Deputies in preparing the record specified in Clause .a, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese to forward to the Secretary of the House of Deputies, as soon as may be practicable, a copy of the latest Journal of the Diocesan Convention, together with a certified copy of the testimonials of members aforesaid, and a duplicate copy of such testimonials. Where testimonials are received for persons from jurisdictions which have not previously been represented in General Convention, the Secretary of the House of Deputies shall ascertain that the applicable provisions of Article V, Section 1, of the Constitution have been complied with prior to such persons being permitted to take their seats in the House.
d. The Secretary shall keep full minutes of the proceedings of the House; record them, with all reports, in a book provided for that purpose; preserve the Journals and Records of the House; deliver them to the Registrar, as hereinafter provided; and perform such other duties as may be directed by the House. The Secretary may, with the approval of the House, appoint Assistant Secretaries, and the Secretary and Assistant Secretaries shall continue in office until the organization of the next General Convention, and until their successors be chosen.
e. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the House of Deputies, whenever any alteration of the Book of Common Prayer or of the Constitution is proposed, or any other subject submitted to the consideration of the several Diocesan Conventions, to give notice thereof to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Church in every Diocese, as well as to the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese, and written evidence that the foregoing requirement has been complied with shall be presented by the Secretary to the General Convention at its next session. All such notices shall be sent by electronic means, with the Secretary’s certificates to be returned. The Secretary shall notify all diocesan Secretaries that it is their duty to make known such proposed alterations of the Book of Common Prayer, and of the Constitution, and such other subjects, to the Conventions of their respective Dioceses at their next meeting, and to certify to the Secretary of the House of Deputies that such action has been taken.
f. The Secretary of the House of Deputies and the Treasurer of the General Convention shall be entitled to seats upon the floor of the House, and, with the consent of the President, they may speak on the subjects of their respective offices.
g. At the meetings of the House of Deputies the Rules and Orders of the previous meeting shall be in force until they are amended or repealed by the House.
h. In case of the resignation, death, or total disability of the President and Vice-President during the recess of the General Convention, the Secretary of the House of Deputies shall perform such ad
interim duties as may appertain to the office of President until the next meeting of the General Convention or until such disability is removed.
i. If, during recess, a vacancy shall occur in the office of Secretary of the House of Deputies, the duties thereof shall devolve upon the First Assistant Secretary, or, if there be none such, upon a Secretary pro tempore appointed by the President of the House, or if the office of President be also vacant, then by the Vice-President, and if both offices be vacant, then by the members from the House of Deputies of the Joint Committee on Planning and Arrangements for the next General Convention, appointed by the preceding General Convention.
j. At every regular meeting of the General Convention, the Secretary elected by the House of Deputies shall, by concurrent action of the two Houses of the General Convention, also be made the Secretary of the General Convention, who shall have responsibility for assembling and printing of the Journal of the General Convention, and for other matters specifically referred to the Secretary and shall serve until a successor is elected.
Sec. 2.
a. The General Convention by Canon may establish Standing Commissions to study and draft policy proposals on major subjects considered to be of continuing concern to the mission of the Church. The Canon shall specify the duties of each Standing Commission. Standing Commissions shall be composed of five Bishops, five Priests and/or Deacons of this Church and ten Lay Persons, who shall be confirmed adult communicants of this Church in good standing. The Priests, Deacons, and Lay Persons are not required to be Deputies to General Convention.
b. The terms of all members of Standing Commissions shall be equal to the interval between the regular meeting of the General Convention preceding their appointment and the adjournment of the second succeeding regular meeting of the General Convention, and such terms shall be rotated so that, as near as may be, the term of one-half of the members shall expire at the conclusion of each regular meeting of the General Convention. The term of a member shall become vacant in the event of two absences from meetings of the Commission occurring in the interval between successive regular meetings of the General Convention unless excused by the Commission for good cause.
c. The Presiding Bishop shall appoint the Episcopal members and the President of the House of Deputies shall appoint the Lay and other Clerical members of each Commission as soon as practicable after the adjournment of the General Convention, but not later than 90 days after adjournment. Episcopal members appointed after the adjournment of any General Convention at which a Presiding Bishop is elected shall be appointed by the Presiding Bishop-elect. Vacancies shall be filled in similar manner; provided however, that vacancies occurring within one year after the next regular General Convention shall not be filled unless requested by the Commission.
d. The Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies shall jointly appoint members of the Executive Council as liaisons to facilitate communication between the Executive Council and each Standing Commission and the coordination of the work of each Standing Commission and the committees of Executive Council. Notice of such appointments shall be given to the Secretary of General Convention. These liaisons shall not be members of the Commission but shall have seat and voice. The reasonable expenses of these liaisons shall be provided for by the Executive Council. Each Commission shall have staff support from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society designated by the Presiding Bishop. Each Commission may constitute committees from among members or non-members of the Commission, and, subject to the Commission’s budget, engage the services of consultants and coordinators necessary to complete its work.
e. The Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies shall be members ex officiis of every Commission, or may appoint personal representatives to attend any meeting in their stead, but without vote.
f. The Executive Officer of the General Convention shall, not later than 120 days following the meeting of the General Convention, notify the members of the General Convention of the Commission appointments and their duty to present reports to the next Convention and shall schedule an organizational meeting for each Commission. One year prior to the opening day of the Convention, the Executive Officer of the General Convention shall remind the Chairs and Secretaries of all Commissions of this duty.
g. Every Commission shall elect a chair, vice chair, and secretary.
h. The General Convention may refer a relevant matter to a Commission for its consideration; but may not direct the Commission to reach any particular conclusion.
i. A Commission shall give timely and appropriate notice to the Church of the time, place, and agendas of meetings; and instructions on how members of the Church may address their views to the Commission.
j. Every Commission shall prepare a report, which, together with any minority report, shall be sent, not later than 150 days prior to the opening day of each Convention, to the Executive Officer of the General Convention, who shall distribute the same to all members of the Convention.
k. The Report of every Commission presented at the General Convention shall:
1. Set forth the names of its original members, any changes in membership, the names of all those who concur in, and all those who dissent from, its recommendations.
2. Summarize the work of the Commission, including the various matters studied, the recommendations for action by the General Convention, and drafts of Resolutions proposed for adoption to implement the recommendations of the Commission.
3. Include a detailed report of all receipts and expenditures, including moneys received from any source whatsoever, and if it recommends that it be continued, the estimated requirements for the ensuing interval until the next regular meeting of the General Convention.
l. Every Commission, as a condition precedent to the presentation and reception of any report to General Convention in which such Commission proposes the adoption of any Resolution, shall, by vote, authorize a member or members of General Convention, who, if possible, shall be a member of the Commission, with such limitations as the Commission may impose, to accept or reject, on behalf of the Commission, any amendments proposed by General Convention to any such Resolution; provided, however, that no such amendment may change the substance of the proposal, but shall be primarily for the purpose of correcting errors. The name of the member or members of General Convention upon whom such authority has been conferred, and the limitations of authority, shall be communicated in writing to the Presiding Officers of General Convention not later than the presentation of such report to the General Convention.
m. Every Commission whose Report requests expenditure out of The Episcopal Church budget (except for the printing of the Report) shall include that request in its report to the General Convention and in accordance with Canon I.4.6.
n. There shall be the following Standing Commissions:
1. A Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons. It shall be the duty of the Commission to:
i. Review such proposed amendments to the Constitution and Canons as may be submitted to the Commission, placing each such proposed amendment in proper Constitutional or Canonical form, including all amendments necessary to effect the proposed change. For amendments not in proper form, the Standing Commission on Constitution and Canons may direct the submitting Commission to the canonical and Rules of Order requirements for amendments to the Constitution and Canons so the submitting Commission may revise its amendment to proper form. The Commission shall express its views with respect to the substance of any such proposal only to the proponent thereof; provided, however, that no member of the Commission shall, by reason of membership, be deemed to be disabled from expressing, before a Legislative Committee or on the floor of the General Convention, personal views with respect to the substance of any such proposed amendment.
ii. Conduct a continuing comprehensive review of the Constitution and Canons with respect to their internal consistency and clarity, and on the basis of such a review, propose to the General Convention such technical amendments to the Constitution and Canons as in the opinion of the Commission are necessary or desirable in order to achieve such consistency and clarity without altering the substance of any Constitutional and Canonical provisions; provided, however, that the Commission shall propose, for the consideration of the appropriate Legislative Committees of the General Convention, such amendments to the Constitution and Canons as in the opinion of the Commission are technically desirable but involve a substantive alteration of a Constitutional or Canonical provision.
iii. On the basis of such review, suggest to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and to the Executive Council of the General Convention such amendments to their respective By-laws as in the opinion of the Commission are necessary or desirable in order to conform the same to the Constitution and Canons.
iv. Conduct a continuing and comprehensive review and update of the authorized “Annotated Constitution and Canons for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America otherwise known as The Episcopal Church” to reflect actions of General Convention which amend the Constitution and Canons and, in the discretion of the Commission, develop other materials which are appropriate to the purpose of the “Annotated Constitution and Canons,” and facilitate the publication of this document and related materials. The Commission may provide or support forums to promote commentary, discussion, and understanding of the Constitution and Canons.
v. Discharge such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned by the General Convention.
vi. Study and make recommendations concerning the structure of the General Convention and of The Episcopal Church. It shall, from time to time, review the operation of the several Committees, Commissions, and Boards and other governing bodies for which The Episcopal Church may be legally responsible to determine the necessity for their continuance and the effectiveness of their functions and, where appropriate, to bring about a coordination of their efforts. Whenever a proposal is made for the creation of a new, or changing of the affiliation of a, Committee, Commission, Board, or body for which The Episcopal Church may be legally responsible, it will, wherever feasible, be referred to this Standing Commission for its consideration and advice.
vii. Conduct a continuing and comprehensive review and update of the Title IV training materials, including drafting such changes as are necessitated by changes to these Constitution and Canons, or as may be deemed appropriate to maintain such training materials in a current and effective status.
2. A Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. The Custodian of the Book of Common Prayer shall be a member ex officio with voice, but without vote. It shall be the duty of the Commission to:
i. Discharge such duties as shall be assigned to it by the General Convention as to policies and strategies concerning the common worship of this Church.
ii. Collect, collate, and catalogue material bearing upon possible future revisions of the Book of Common Prayer.
iii. Cause to be prepared and to present to the General Convention recommendations concerning the Lectionary, Psalter, and offices for special occasions as authorized or directed by the General Convention or House of Bishops.
iv. Recommend to the General Convention authorized translations of the Holy Scripture from which the Lessons prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer are to be read.
v. Receive and evaluate requests for consideration of individuals or groups to be included in the Calendar of the Church year and make recommendations thereon to the General Convention for acceptance or rejection.
vi. Collect, collate, and catalogue material bearing upon possible future revisions of The Hymnal 1982 and other musical publications regularly in use in this Church, and encourage the composition of new musical materials.
vii. Cause to be prepared and present to the General Convention recommendations concerning the musical settings of liturgical texts and rubrics, and norms as to liturgical music and the manner of its rendition.
viii. At the direction of the General Convention, to serve the Church in matters pertaining to policies and strategies concerning Church music.
ix. Collaborate with the Secretary of General Convention to make final edits to the text of resolutions adopted by General Convention that establish new or revised liturgical materials, and to arrange for their publication. For the sole purpose of this collaboration, members of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music are exempt from the terms of office set forth in I.1.2.b and shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and take office.
x. Oversee and maintain the official liturgical website of The Episcopal Church through a subcommittee whose members shall include the Chair of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music or an authorized deputy who is a member of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music; the Custodian of the Standard Book of Common Prayer; at least one other Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music member; the Secretary of General Convention or an authorized deputy of the Secretary; a representative from the publisher affiliated with the Church Pension Fund; at least two members with skill in website design and coding, to be appointed by the Chair of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.
3. A Standing Commission on World Mission. It shall be the duty of the Commission to:
i. Identify the global mission work carried out by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, dioceses, congregations and mission organizations throughout the church.
ii. Consult with the above bodies to envision future directions for the church’s global engagement.
iii. Develop policy proposals for world mission for consideration by General Convention.
iv. Discharge such other duties as shall from time to time be assigned by the General Convention.
4. A Standing Commission on Formation and Ministry Development. The Commission shall coordinate and encourage the development of all orders of ministry, encouraging and engaging all the baptized in the work of building up the church and developing best practices to ensure all churches benefit from the diversity of leadership gifts God has given us. It shall be the duty of the Commission to:
i. Recommend policies and strategies to the General Convention for the affirmation, development, and exercise of ministry by all baptized persons (lay persons, bishops, priests and deacons).
ii. Support Diocesan Commissions on Ministry in their support of the ministry of all the baptized, as set forth in Canon III.1 and Canon III.2.
iii. Encourage the recognition of daily life ministries by Diocesan Commissions on Ministry, congregations, and dioceses, so that those ministries are celebrated as expressions of the ministry of all the baptized, worthy of equal respect with ordained vocations.
iv. In collaboration with the churchwide office overseeing formation, develop and recommend to the General Convention comprehensive and coordinated policies for people across all ages and stages of life for lifelong formation as seekers and followers of Jesus.
v. Recommend strategies to General Convention for the development and support of networks of individuals, diocesan committees and commissions, agencies and institutions engaged in recruitment, gifts of discernment, education and training for ministry, leadership development, hiring, and appointments.
vi. Study the needs and trends of discernment and vocational opportunities for ordained leaders and lay professionals within the Church and the appropriate formation required to live into those opportunities.
vii. Collaborate with those developing lay pathways grid and the Association of Episcopal Deacons to raise awareness of the competencies promulgated by those groups as guidelines for formation for those orders of ministry.
viii. Recommend policies and strategies to the General Convention to ensure the fair hiring and compensation of lay and ordained employees in all ministry settings, with special attention to parity across those lines which have historically divided us, including but not limited to race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, order of ministry, disabilities, or age, except as otherwise provided by these Canons.
5. A Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations. It shall be the duty of the Commission to:
i. Coordinate and encourage the work of church unity among Christian partners and collaboration and peacebuilding with interfaith partners, conciliar, and interfaith organizations.
ii. Recommend policies and strategies to the General Convention for the affirmation and development of ecumenical and interreligious partnerships.
iii. Collaborate with ecumenical and interreligious partners, conciliar and interfaith bodies to develop tools which address issues of power, racial justice, colonialism, imperialism, and the historical racial bias in ecumenical endeavors.
iv. Support Diocesan and local engagement in interreligious and ecumenical ministry.
v. Encourage theological work that recognizes the current and future ecumenical and religious landscape, contextual theologies and partnerships with conciliar bodies and others to address the Gospel issues of unity, justice, and peace, and to respond as requested to Conciliar, ecumenical or other interreligious documents.
vi. In collaboration with the churchwide Office on Ecumenical and Inter-religious relations, develop and recommend to the General Convention comprehensive and coordinated policies and guidelines for inter-religious relations and ecumenical dialogues and conversations.
vii. Recommend strategies and policies to General Convention for training and leadership development, with networks, diocesan ecumenical officers, faith-based bodies within and beyond The Episcopal Church
viii. Study the needs and trends of the ecumenical and interreligious landscape, to support and encourage the development of resources for ecumenical and interreligious formation.
Sec. 3.
a. The right of calling special meetings of the General Convention shall be vested in the Bishops. The Presiding Bishop shall issue the summons for such meetings, designating the time and place thereof, with the consent, or on the requisition, of a majority of the Bishops, expressed to the Presiding Bishop in writing.
b. The Deputies elected to the preceding General Convention shall be the Deputies at such special meetings of the General Convention, except in those cases in which other Deputies shall have been chosen in the meantime by any of the Diocesan Conventions, and then such other Deputies shall represent in the special meeting of the General Convention the Church of the Diocese in which they have been chosen.
c. Any vacancy in the representation of any Diocese caused by the death, absence, or inability of any Deputy, shall be supplied either temporarily or permanently in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Diocese, or, in the absence of any such provision, by appointment by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese. During such periods as shall be stated in the certificate issued to such person by the appointing power, the Provisional Deputy so appointed shall possess and shall be entitled to exercise the power and authority of the Deputy in place of whom he or she shall have been designated.
Sec. 4.
a. All jurisdictions of this Church entitled by the Constitution or Canons to choose Deputies to the General Convention shall be required to do so not later than twelve months preceding the opening date of the General Convention for which they are chosen. Deputies of jurisdictions failing so to elect may not be seated unless permitted by ruling of the Presiding Officer.
b. It shall be the duty of each seated Deputy to communicate to the electing jurisdiction the actions taken and the positions established by the General Convention.
c. It shall be the responsibility of each Diocese to provide a forum in which the Deputies to the General Convention from that jurisdiction have opportunity to report.
Sec. 5.
a. The Secretary of the General Convention shall, ex officio, be the Registrar of the General Convention, whose duty it shall be to receive all Journals, files, papers, reports, and other documents or articles that are, or shall become, the property of either House of the General Convention, and to transmit the same to the Archives of the Church as prescribed by the Archivist.
b. It shall also be the duty of the said Registrar to maintain suitable records of the ordinations and consecrations of all the Bishops of this Church, designating accurately the time and place of the same, with the names of the consecrating Bishops, and of others present and assisting; to have the same authenticated in the fullest manner practicable; and to take care for the similar record and authentication of all future ordinations, consecrations and installations of Bishops in this Church; and to transmit the same to the Archives of the Church when and as prescribed by the Archivist. Due notice of the time and place of such ordinations and consecrations shall be given by the Presiding Bishop to the Registrar; and thereupon it shall be the duty of the Registrar to attend such ordinations and consecrations, either in person or by appointing a clergy or lay deputy Registrar.
c. The Registrar shall prepare, in such form as the House of Bishops shall prescribe, the Letters of Ordination and Consecration in duplicate, shall have the same immediately signed and sealed by the ordaining and consecrating Bishops, and by such other Bishops assisting as may be practicable, shall deliver to the newly consecrated Bishop one of the said Letters, shall carefully file and retain the other, and shall make a minute thereof in the official records.
d. The Registrar shall also be Historiographer, unless in any case the House of Bishops shall make a separate nomination; and in this event the House of Deputies shall confirm the nomination.
e. The necessary expenses incurred under this Section shall be paid by the Treasurer of the General Convention.
f. It shall be the duty of the secretaries of both Houses to deliver to the Registrar the minutes of both Houses, together with the Journals, files, papers, reports, electronic records, and all other records of either House in a manner prescribed by the Archivist. The minutes of both Houses shall remain filed until after the adjournment of the first General Convention following that at which such minutes shall have been taken; provided,
however, that any part of such minutes, for any reason unpublished in the Journal, shall remain filed in the Archives. The Secretary of the House of Deputies shall also deliver to the Registrar, as prescribed by the Archivist, when not otherwise expressly directed, all the Journals, files, papers, reports, and other published, unpublished or electronic documents specified in Canon I.6. The Secretaries shall require the Registrar to give them receipts for the Journals and other records. The Registrar shall transmit the records of the secretaries of both Houses to the Archivist of the Church.
g. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Registrar, the Presiding Bishop shall appoint a Registrar, who shall hold office until the next General Convention.
Sec. 6.
a. The House of Deputies, upon nomination of the House of Bishops, shall elect a Recorder (who may be a natural person or an incorporated organization of this Church), whose duty is/shall be to continue the List of Ordinations and to keep a list of the Clergy in regular standing.
b. It shall be the duty of the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, of the President of the Standing Committee of every jurisdiction to forward to the Recorder on or before the first day of March in each and every year a report certifying the following information as of the thirty-first day of December in the preceding year: (1) the names of the Clergy canonically resident therein with their several charges; (2) the names of the Clergy licensed by the Bishop to officiate, but not yet transferred; (3) the names of all persons connected with the jurisdiction who have been ordered Deacons or Priests during the preceding twelve months, with the date and place of ordination and the name of the Bishop ordaining; (4) the names of the Clergy of the jurisdiction who have died during the preceding twelve months, with the date and place of death; (5) the names of the Clergy who have been received during the preceding twelve months, with the date of their reception and the name of the jurisdiction from which received, and, in the case of Clergy not received from a jurisdiction of this Church, the date and place of ordination and the name of the Bishop ordaining; (6) the names of the Clergy who have been transferred during the preceding twelve months, with the dates of the Letters Dimissory and of their acceptance, and the name of the jurisdiction to which transferred; (7) the names of the Clergy who have been suspended during the preceding twelve months, with the date and ground of suspension; (8) the names of the Clergy who have been removed or deposed during the preceding twelve months, with the date, place, and ground of removal or deposition; (9) the names of the Clergy who have been restored during the preceding twelve months, with the date; (10) the names of Deaconesses canonically resident therein.
c. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to furnish, upon proper authority and at the expense of the applicant, such information as may be in the possession of the Recorder, based upon the reports required under Clause .b hereof.
d. The Recorder shall prepare and present to each session of the General Convention a list of all Priests and Deacons ordained, received, transferred out, released and removed, returned, suspended, deposed, or restored; of all Bishops ordained, received, released and removed, returned, suspended, deposed, or restored; and of all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons who have died; such list to cover the period from the last preceding similar report of the Recorder through the thirty-first day of December immediately preceding each session of the General Convention.
e. The necessary expenses incurred under this Section by the Recorder shall be paid by the Treasurer of the General Convention.
f. In case of a vacancy in the office of Recorder, the Presiding Bishop shall appoint a Recorder, who shall hold office until the next General Convention.
Sec. 7.
a. At every regular meeting of the General Convention a Treasurer (who may also be Treasurer of the Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society and the Executive Council) shall be elected by concurrent action of the two Houses, and shall remain in office until a successor shall be elected. It shall be the Treasurer’s duty to receive and disburse all moneys collected under the authority of the Convention, and of which the collection and disbursement shall not otherwise be prescribed; and, with the advice and approval of the Presiding Bishop and the Treasurer of the Executive Council, to invest, from time to time, such surplus funds as may be on hand. The Treasurer’s account shall be rendered to the Convention at each regular meeting, and shall be audited at the direction of a committee acting under its authority.
b. In case of a vacancy, by death, resignation, or otherwise, in the office of Treasurer of the General Convention, the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies shall appoint a Treasurer, who shall hold office until a successor is elected. In case of temporary inability of the Treasurer to act, from illness or other cause, the same officials shall appoint an Acting Treasurer who shall perform all duties of the Treasurer until the Treasurer is able to resume them.
Sec. 8.
a. The General Convention shall adopt, at each regular meeting, a budget for The Episcopal Church, including for the contingent expenses of the General Convention, the stipend of the Presiding Bishop together with the necessary expenses of that office, the necessary expenses of the President of the House of Deputies including the staff and Advisory Council required to assist in the performance of the duties and matters related to the President’s office, and the applicable Church Pension Fund assessments. To defray the expense of this budget, an assessment shall be levied upon the Dioceses of the Church in accordance with a formula which the General Convention shall adopt as part of The Episcopal Church budget. It shall be the duty of each Diocesan Convention to pay its assessment to the Treasurer of the General Convention according to the schedule established by the Executive Council.
b. The Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice (the “Coalition”), created by the 80th General Convention, shall be funded in part with an annual draw on one-tenth of the Church’s unrestricted trusts and endowment funds as determined in the most recent audited financial statements at a percentage rate equal to the draw percentage applied to fund the Church’s budget as described in subsection 8.a of this Canon. The estimated funding amount for the Coalition shall be described in The Episcopal Church budget for informational purposes only. The funding for the Coalition shall be provided by the Treasurer after the Executive Council declares the annual draw rate. The Coalition shall report to every regular meeting of the General Convention, providing audited financial statements and reports on its ministry and participation in God’s mission.
Sec. 9.
The Treasurer of the General Convention shall have authority to borrow, in behalf and in the name of the Executive Council, such a sum as may be judged by the Treasurer to be necessary to help pay the expenses of The Episcopal Church budget adopted under Canon I.1.8.a, with the approval of the Executive Council.
Sec. 10.
The Treasurer shall give a bond conditioned on the faithful performance of assigned duties. The amount thereof and the terms on which the same shall be given shall be subject to the approval of the Presiding Bishop, the expense of such bond to be paid by the General Convention.
Sec. 11.
The Treasurer may appoint, subject to the approval of the Presiding Bishop, an Assistant Treasurer, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Treasurer and shall perform such duties as shall be assigned by the Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall give bond conditioned on the faithful performance of assigned duties. The amount thereof and the terms on which the same shall be given shall be subject to the approval of the Presiding Bishop, the expense of such bond to be paid by the General Convention.
Sec. 12.
a. There shall be an Executive Office of the General Convention, to be headed by a General Convention Executive Officer to be appointed jointly by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies with the advice and consent of the Executive Council. The Executive Officer shall report to and serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council.
b. The Executive Office of the General Convention shall include the functions of the Secretary of the General Convention and the Treasurer of the General Convention and those of the Manager of the General Convention and, if the several positions are filled by different persons, such officers shall serve under the general supervision of the General Convention Executive Officer, who shall also coordinate the work of the Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies funded by The Episcopal Church budget.
Sec. 13.
a. At each meeting of the General Convention the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements shall submit to the General Convention its recommendations for sites for the meeting of the General Convention to be held as the second succeeding General Convention following the General Convention at which the report is made. In making such recommendations, the Committee shall certify to the Convention the willingness of the Dioceses within which recommended sites are located to have the General Convention meet within their jurisdictions.
b. From the sites recommended by the Joint Committee, the General Convention shall approve no fewer than three nor more than five sites as possible for such meeting of the General Convention.
c. From the sites approved by the General Convention, the Joint Committee, with the advice and consent of a majority vote of the following: The Presidents and the Vice-Presidents of both Houses of Convention, the Presidents of the Provinces and the Executive Council, shall determine the site for such General Convention and proceed to make all reasonable and necessary arrangements and commitments for that meeting of the General Convention. The site and date thus selected shall be deemed to have been appointed by the General Convention, as provided in the Constitution.
d. Upon the final selection of and the arrangements for the site for that General Convention, the Joint Committee shall advise the Secretary of the General Convention, who shall communicate the determination to the Dioceses.
e. Within such guidelines as may have been established by the General Convention regarding the date and length of future General Conventions, and pursuant to the reasonable and necessary arrangements and commitments with the Dioceses and operators of facilities within the Diocese in which the next General Convention will be held, the Joint Committee shall fix the date and the length of the next succeeding Convention, report the same to the Secretary of the General Convention and include the same in its report to the Convention. In the event of a change of circumstances indicating the necessity or advisability of changing the date or length previously fixed, the Joint Committee shall investigate and make recommendations to the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, who, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, may fix a different date or length or both.