Executive Council Committee on HBCU


2015 - AN028

Resolved, That the Executive Council establishes a committee of Executive Council from the task group formed January 11, 2015 to continue to support and understand the role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the important relationship with The Episcopal Church; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council charges the committee to explore and make recommendations to Executive Council by General Convention 2021 the long-term needs of the HBCUs to ensure access to students of color for future generations; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council authorizes a budget up to $15,000 for this triennium for the work of the committee with composition to consist of the current membership of the task group and that the committee may consist of eight to ten members jointly appointed by the Presiding Officers and provide to Executive Council an annual report at the June meetings of Council; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Council expresses gratitude to the members of the task group for their contributions in forging an important relationship between TEC and the schools and requests a report of the accomplishments of the task group to date be prepared by the end of 2017.