Task Force on Translation and Interpretation


2022 - A024 Create a Task Force on Translation and Interpretation

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 80th General Convention, pursuant to Joint Rule IX.22, create a Task Force on Translation and Interpretation, whose mandate includes, but is not limited to, (1) development of a working strategy and criteria for determining and prioritizing the types of materials (media releases, resources, reports, etc.) pertaining to church life to be translated and meetings related to governance to be interpreted and into which languages; (2) establishment of criteria for assuring the quality of translations and interpretation, employing dynamic equivalence, and establish procedures and criteria for hiring professional translators and interpreters to assure high-quality translations and interpretations; (3) consultation with non-English speaking dioceses, jurisdictions, and area missions about their needs and priorities for translations and interpretation; and (4) recommendation of funding levels necessary to implement the strategy; and be it further

Resolved, That the task force begin its work no later than January 1, 2023, with the task concluding its work at the conclusion of the 82nd General Convention, unless its mandate is extended by the 82nd Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the task force report annually to Executive Council and provide an interim report to the 81st General Convention and a final report with recommendations to the 82nd General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the membership of this task force be appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies and include up to three Bishops appointed by the Presiding Bishop for five-year terms, with special consideration given to inclusion of Bishops from non-English speaking dioceses and jurisdictions; up to three Clergy and up to three Lay Persons appointed by the President of the House of Deputies for five-year terms, with special consideration given to inclusion of persons from non-English speaking dioceses, jurisdictions, and mission areas; up to two members of the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM) appointed by the SCWM; and one member of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) appointed by the SCLM; and be it further

Resolved, That the Executive Officer of General Convention appoint a member of the staff from the General Convention Office and the Presiding Bishop appoint a member of staff from the Language Services Department of the Office of Communications to serve as consultants to the task force; and be it further

Resolved, That $90,000 be budgeted for the implementation of this resolution, of which $30,000 would be allocated to the first triennium of the task force’s work.