Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements
a. There shall be a Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements for the General Convention, which shall have responsibility between Conventions for the matters indicated by its title. The Committee shall be composed, ex officio, of the Executive Officer of the General Convention, the Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Chairs of the Committee on the Dispatch of Business of the two Houses, the Treasurer of the General Convention, the President and First Vice-President of the Episcopal Church Women, the General Convention Manager and one Presbyter or Deacon and one Lay Person appointed by the President of the House of Deputies. In the case of a General Convention for which a meeting site has been selected, the Committee shall also include the Bishop and the General Chairman of Arrangements of the local Committee of the Dioceses in which that General Convention shall be held.
b. It shall be the duty of the Committee to consult with the Presidents of the two Houses, the Chairs of the Joint and Standing Committees and Commissions, Boards and Agencies of the General Convention, the Executive Council, and such other representative bodies as it may deem necessary, in the study and determination, prior to any meeting of the General Convention, of the arrangements for, and the nature of, the Agenda thereof, to be recommended by it to the General Convention for such meeting.
c. It shall be the further duty of the Committee to take such action as may be provided by Canon for the selection of sites for meetings of the General Convention.
d. The Committee shall have an Executive Committee composed of the Presidents of the two Houses, the Chair of the Committee, the Executive Officer of the General Convention, the Treasurer of the General Convention, and the General Convention Manager.