Working Group to Review Canons and Implement Changes Article X


A223Create Alternative Working Group to Review Canons and Implement Changes Related to Revised Article X of the Constitution 

Resolved, That the General Convention direct the President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop to set aside the composition and charge of the working group defined in the resolution adopted by the 81st General Convention numbered A072 and instead appoint a working group of nine (9) members to include the Custodian of The Book of Common Prayer, three (3) members designated by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (one bishop, one priest or deacon, and one lay) and two (2) bishops, two (2) priests or deacons, and two (2) lay members, including at least one member of the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons, designated by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies, plus an ex-officio representative from Church Publishing Corporation, to:

a. Review the Canons and any questions relevant to the implementation of the revised Article X; and

b. Propose as needed legislation for consideration at the 82nd General Convention.

and be it further

ResolvedThat an allocation of $30,000 be made to support the work of the working group.


B008Amend Canon II.3.6.a and II.4 to clarify authorization of liturgies

ResolvedThat Canon II.3.6. shall be amended to add sections b, c, and d as follows:

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

a. Whenever the General Convention, pursuant to Article X of the Constitution, shall authorize for trial use a proposed revision of the Book of Common Prayer, or of a portion or portions thereof, the enabling Resolution shall specify the period of such trial use, the precise text thereof, and any special terms or conditions under which such trial use shall be carried out including translation.

b. A trial use period in accordance with Article X, Section 3 of the Constitution must precede the first reading for any alteration or addition to the Book of Common Prayer under Article X, Section 2, except for changes to the Lectionary and Tables and Rubrics and the Psalter as provided for by Article X, Section 4.a.

c. During the trial use period, the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music will review the proposed alteration or revision using principles adopted by the General Convention of this Church and include its assessments and recommendations in a report to the General Convention.

d. The Calendar of the Church, with principal and lesser observances, is part of the Book of Common Prayer and may be revised by following the process for trial use provided for revision of the Book of Common Prayer by the Constitution and Canons of this Church.