Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy


2022- A141 Develop Indigenous and Native Liturgical Resources

Resolved, That, on the homelands of the Piscataway, Nentego (Nanticoke), and Susquehannock peoples, the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church creates an intentional effort to value and embrace Native and Indigenous liturgy and spirituality.  This General Convention calls for a Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy to document and develop culturally appropriate liturgical materials that reflect the Native and Indigenous spirituality that can then be used in Native and Indigenous faith communities; and be it further

ResolvedThat these liturgical resources would honor and uphold the original stewards of our land and the deep connection with Great Spirit and Earth, written in and/or referencing the traditional languages, incorporating the cultural customs, stories, and beliefs, and that address the current needs of the Native and Indigenous faith communities; and be it further>

Resolved, That this Task Force would up to 20 persons, majority Native and Indigenous identified, be appointed jointly by the President of the House of Deputies and the Presiding Bishop. Members would reflect a geographically diverse representation from the Church and tribal affiliations. This membership would include Native spirituality theologians, liturgy developers, and practitioners. Laity would make up half of the entire membership. 1 member would overlap with the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to be a liaison; and be it further>

ResolvedThat these liturgical resources would be curated and developed with the consultation of the Native American Ministries Council of Advice and presented for review during the Winter Talk 2023 and 2024 gatherings; and be it further

Resolved That the plans for this collection be presented to the 81st General Convention as a model for culturally-informed worship and contextual theology; and be it further

ResolvedThat the General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance consider a budget allocation of $200,000 for the implementation of this resolution and Task Force.