Joint Committee on Scholarships


Scholarship Program

As a result of bequests, The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church (DFMS) makes available a modest number of scholarships that assist students primarily enrolled in theological education and specialized training. Funding for the program is derived from annual dividends of designated trust funds established by generous donors. Several other trusts benefit children of current and former missionaries.

Currently there are forty-three trust funds available for scholarships. The oldest scholarship trust fund, The Mary E. Hinman Fund, was established in 1879.

The program is administered by a Scholarship Committee composed of a Member of Executive Council, a member of the church at large, the Canon of the Presiding Bishop staff for Ministry within The Episcopal Church; the Director of Human Resources; and representatives from various ministries at The Episcopal Church and the Treasurer’s Office. The Scholarship Committee meets once a year in the spring to review applications and award scholarships.

Prior to the Scholarship Committee meeting, Sub Committees meet and make their respective selections. Sub Committees consist of the missioner and other selected people for each ministry involved (e.g., Black, Asian, Native American and other).