Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility




2015 - AN/FFM 008

Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting in Linthicum Heights from November 15-18, 2015, establish the Executive Council Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility to be responsible for researching the social responsibility records of corporations whose stock is held in DFMS portfolios and recommending appropriate courses of action based on the positions established by General Convention and Executive Council. The procedures for this committee will be as follows: With the approval of Council, it will be responsible for developing shareholder resolutions on social justice issues to be submitted to companies in which the Church invests its funds. CCSR will also review similar resolutions being offered by other churches or advocacy groups and recommend whether the Episcopal Church should support them. These recommendations will be forwarded to the Executive Council through the Standing Committee on Advocacy and Networking. As new issues come up during the triennium, CCSR will forward its recommendations to the next meeting of Executive Council. Membership will consist of nine members, including at least one bishop, one priest or deacon and one lay person; one member of FFM, one member of the Investment Committee, and one member of A&N. Members will be nominated by the Presiding Officers of the Executive Council jointly and elected by Executive Council