Assessment Review Committee




2015-FFM 074 Create Diocesan Assessment Review Committee

The following is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Executive Council at its meeting from January 9-11, 2015 at which a quorum was present and voting.

Resolved, That Executive Council, meeting in Linthicum Heights from January 9-11, 2015, approve the creation of a Diocesan Assessment Review Committee, under the oversight of the Joint Standing Committee Finances For Mission (FFM), to work with dioceses that do not commit to pay their full assessment to The Episcopal Church in any year, to talk with diocesan leaders about the reasons for not paying the full amount, including reviewing diocesan financial statements, and to encourage and work with such dioceses to create a plan for reaching the full assessment amount; and be it further

Resolved, That the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House of Deputies shall appoint the members of the Committee; and be it further

Resolved, That the Diocesan Assessment Review Committee have the authority to recommend that Executive Council grant a full or partial Waiver of Assessment to any diocese, allowing it to pay a lower assessment amount than levied in The Episcopal Church’s budget, based on financial hardship, an appropriate plan for reaching the full assessment over time, or other factors; and be it further

Resolved, That Executive Council has the authority to consider the Diocesan Assessment Review Committee’s recommendations and determine whether a Waiver of Assessment shall be granted; and be it further

Resolved, That any diocese that does not plan to pay its full assessment amount, and has not received a Waiver of Assessment be asked to account in writing to Executive Council and the wider church for that choice; and be it further

Resolved, That a diocese that does not pay its full assessment in any year, and has not received a Waiver of Assessment, shall not be eligible to receive any grants or loans from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

FFM is responsible for further practical details/refinement at the March meeting.