Clergy Housing Allowance
Resolution text
Resolved, That a portion of the total compensation paid to each clergy employee for calendar year 2020 shall be designated to be a housing allowance; and be it further
Resolved, That the Executive Council designates as a tax-deductible housing allowance for 2020 those allowances requested and presented by clergy employees of the DFMS to the Treasurer as indicated in the attached list; and be it further
Resolved, That these allowances will be made pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 107 and Internal Revenue Service Regulations S1.107 up to 100% of the annual cash salary of such clergy.
This resolution is required because clergy employees are compensated by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) for the services as ministers of the gospel; and
Clergy Housing Allowances must be approved by the governing body. Requests received will be considered as soon as practicable, either by the Executive Council or by the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Executive Council.
The current request comes as a result of a new clergy employee.