Awards 2022-2023 School Year
Resolution text
Resolved, that the Executive Committee of Executive Council, meeting September 12, 2022, authorizes the Treasurer to award $2,892.38 to a qualified student whose application was overlooked; and be it further
Resolved, that funding of this award is to be provided from trust funds in the categories of Asia-America and Miscellaneous.
The student affected had difficulties completing his application online and submitted one with all proper endorsements and documentation via e-mail. His application was overlooked.
The late review was undertaken by the Asia-America sub-committee, which approved the application. The unanimous vote by the Scholarship Committee was taken by e-mail the week of August 24th.
Added to the previously approved $385,178.40, this will bring the total to 131 awards and $388,071.04 in support of students identified in the attached schedules.
El estudiante afectado tuvo dificultades para rellenar su solicitud en línea y presentó una con todos los avales y documentación adecuados por correo electrónico. Su solicitud fue pasada por alto.
La revisión tardía fue realizada por el subcomité Asia-América, que aprobó la solicitud. La votación unánime del Comité de Becas se realizó por correo electrónico la semana del 24 de agosto.
Sumado a los 385.178,40 dólares aprobados anteriormente, el total será de 131 becas y 388.071,04 dólares en apoyo de los estudiantes identificados en los calendarios adjuntos.
Traducción de DeepL