2023 Constable Grants
Resolution text
Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting February 9-12, 2023 in San Francisco, California approve and authorize the following, as recommended by the Constable Grant Review Committee and reviewed and recommended by the Joint Standing Committee on Mission Within The Episcopal Church.
The seven grants listed below total $245,729.00.
The distribution of the grants is subject to the full payment of the 2022 diocesan assessment or granted diocesan waiver.
Christ the King Center – Education and Training Initiative; (provide educational and training programs to assist parishes in their work and ministry, enhanced by filming, editing, and creating a web-based resource library for those unable to travel to the camp and conference center)
Diocese of Albany, $20,000.00
The Philadelphia Eleven (provide funds to finish and release this feature length film that tells the story of the women ordained as priests in Philadelphia in 1974)
Ecumenical and Interreligious Religious Relations (EIRR), $45,000.00
Tri-Faith Emerging Clergy Seminar; (Tri-Faith Initiative to provide courageous multi-faith conversations and collaborations among emerging religious leaders modeling the importance of interfaith relationships)
Diocese of Nebraska, $20,000.00
Funding Assistance for Boys Home; (Develop Pilot Character Development Program for Youth throughout the Diocese and beyond)
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, $20,000.00
Trinity Spiritual Center; (continuing to create a new model of education geared toward “the fastest-growing segment of spiritual seekers in the US: nones”.)
Trinity, Southport, $45,000.00
Creation of Libraries to Support Leadership Formation; (Bishop Kemper School for Ministry)
Diocese of Western Kansas, $5,729.00
Diaconal Formation Pilot Process and Platform; (create an affordable, accessible, adaptable, and scalable online process for individuals to prepare for diaconal ministry and build a platform for sharing resources for use both before and after ordination to the deaconate)
Province VIII, $90,000.00