2024 Constable Grants
Resolution text
Resolved, That the Executive Council, meeting April 18-20, 2024, in Raleigh, North Carolina approve and authorize the following, as recommended by the Constable Grant Review Committee, and reviewed and recommended by the Joint Standing Committee on Mission Within The Episcopal Church.
The ten (10) grants listed below total $242,000.
The distribution of the grants is subject to the full payment of the 2023 diocesan assessment or granted diocesan waiver.
From the Wilderness to the Promised Land: Following in Joshua's steps
(funds adult education that will include more in-depth Christian education and learning about the global Anglican Communion at the Adult Camp experience held annually at Chapel Rock in the Diocese of Arizona.)
Diocese of Arizona $9,000
Spiritual Care Visitor Training, Spanish-language Version Implementation
(funds the full launch of an accessible, specialized, culturally relevant Spanish-language version of SCVT in a hybrid-online curriculum, which is designed to empower laity, congregants, and individuals to provide faith-based guidance to those facing hardship in their communities.)
Diocese of Chicago $20,000
Contemplative Practices for Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care: A Retreat for Episcopal Chaplains
(funds a 3-day specialized retreat focused on trauma-informed spiritual care for chaplains, fostering resilience and wellness, while providing evidence-based spiritual tools to address stressors of modern society, including racial injustice, eco-anxiety, post-pandemic stress disorder, and anti-LGBTQ sentiments.)
Office of Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations $15,000
Building Ethnic Leadership for the Future of The Episcopal Church: Seminarians of Color
(funds bringing together seminarians of color from around the country to hear from experienced clergy of color, and share common visions and dreams, concerns and issues experienced in seminary settings and to build cross-cultural friendships through networking in the context of a safe environment.)
Department of Ethnic Ministries $40,000
Anglicanism in European Perspective
(funds the one-week college-level introductory course to Anglican history, theology, and contemporary issues that was developed by the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe.)
Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe $13,000
Caminemos con María
(funds a faith formation and storytelling experience that celebrates Latinas, gifts and stories of struggle, liberation, and Resurrection, as captured in the traditional genre of Canción Latinoamericana (Latin American song) resulting in a recording, along with an accompanying educational website and reflection questions, that will become a spiritual formation resource for people throughout the Episcopal Church and beyond.)
Diocese of Indianapolis $40,000
Embodied Beloved Community: A Pilgrimage along the Civil Rights Trail for Truth-Telling, Training and Transformation
(funds an intentionally intergenerational, theologically grounded pilgrimage to select sites along
the US Civil Rights Trail. This pilgrimage is a joint-venture hosted by an Anglo Episcopal church in Brooklyn, NY and a historically black Episcopal church in Atlanta, GA and is scheduled for June 30-July 7, 2024, and open to anyone committed to truth-telling and transformation.)
Dioceses of Long Island & Atlanta $50,000
Creating an Arabic Christian Hymnal with English Phonetics and Worship Music
(funds the creation of an Arabic Christian Hymnal with English Phonetics, PowerPoint Presentations that include lyrics with English phonetics and accompanying visuals, and recorded music, which address the shortage of Arabic church musicians and allowing high-quality accompaniment during worship services at Mother of the Savior Church, Dearborn, Michigan – the first Arabic worshiping community in the Episcopal Church.)
Diocese of Michigan $10,000
Expanding Good News Garden Access and Program Development
(funds moving a previously established Good News Garden onto the church campus to create more community visibility and access while also integrating it more closely into the worship community, which includes an education and service opportunity for our youth and adult members as well as a "leave and take" food pantry for all who pass by the church campus.)
Diocese of Northern California $15,000
Curriculum in Response to D-030: Embracing Gender Diversity
(funds a two-course digital curriculum to inform, form, and transform individuals and communities concerning gender diversity and catalyze personal and communal efforts in line with General Convention's Resolution D-030 "to welcome and support people and communities of diverse genders, including transgender and non-binary."
Province V $30,000